Redefining Heterosexuality

What really is Heterosexuality?

Officially, the West defines Heterosexuality as (taken from

Heterosexual: A person sexually attracted to persons of the opposite sex. Or a person who has sexual relations with the opposite sex.

However, there are several ambiguities, confusions and double standards in how the word is used in practise, and what suits the interests of the Forces of Heterosexualisaton the best, that meaning is ascribed to the words "heterosexual" and "heterosexuality" in actual practise.

(1) No difference between constant or periodical attraction: The definition of heterosexual doesn't talk about whether this attraction is temporary, periodical or a constant one. Human beings are just assumed to be constantly and exclusively heterosexual, except a few 'aberrations'. No heed is given to the innumerable pressures and mechanisms that exist in the society -- both explicit and underhand invisible ones-- that force humans, especially men to be heterosexual.

This ambiguity creates confusions in actual practise. Because most men have sexual need for women only periodically, and not constantly. And, even those that are predominantly attracted to men, may at times in their lives feel like having sex with women.

(2) No difference maintained between a purely physical attraction and a need to bond emotionally and socially: While most men have only a desire for a short sexual fling with women, since the definition of heterosexuality doesn't differentiate between an emotional need and a purely physical need, the latter is also considered to be part of a larger, stronger emotional/ social need for bonding with females. This wrong propaganda is then used to exert pressure on men to be heterosexual.through the institutions of media, science, entertainment industry, peer pressure and social manhood.

(2) Unsubstantiated claim to be natural/ biological: Since no difference is acknowledged between periodic and a constant sexual desire for women, even the former is propagated as a constant desire by the Western society. And then riding on this confusion, it is claimed that "heterosexuality is biological because without it there would be no reproduction".

Whereas, the fact is that you don't need a constant sexual desire for females that is untiring, all pervading, and which entails strong emotional as well as social bonding and committment to reproduce. You just don't. All you need is a quick of vaginal intercourse to do the needful. After the necessary fluids are transferred, the male doesn't need to ever see the female again.

And, as a matter of fact, that is what the mammalian males (and females) do. There is hardly any evidence of an emotional or social bonding or romance between mammalian males and females. They meet very, very briefly, after a certain period which varies from species to species (in humans about once a year), to exchange reproductive fluids and then they don't even look back at each other.

That is hardly what people mean by 'heterosexuality' in the Western world. The Western world forces its men to bond socially, sexually and emotionally with women in order to be a man (now known as 'straight man'). The truth is, even a Western homosexual male is good enough to procreate once or twice in his life, which is all the reproduction men usually do in their entire life.

(3) No heterosexuals in non-Western world: There is no equivalent to the concept of "heterosexual" in non-western societies: Even in westernised parts of the non-Western world, where queer males have popularised the gay identity, there is not a corresponding 'straight' identity as yet.

Western world assumes men in these societies to be heterosexual, because they all marry and produce children. But here, marriage is seen as a social and/ or religious duty of men, not linked to one's sexual needs. The same-sex bonds between men in these societies, even when they are universal, are hidden from the formal world, and this makes it easier for the Western heterosexual world to ignore it in its description of human species all over the world as predominantly 'heterosexual'.

Case Study:

This was narrated by the former Director of AIIMS Mr. Lalit Mohan. About twenty years ago, in a high profile meeting of doctors about the disease AIDS, it was mentioned that in India the major route of transmission is through heterosexuality. Upon which the doctors present were shocked beyond words. One of them finally exclaimed, "What? you mean we have so many of them in our country?" The participants had absolutely no idea what was being referred to here... and these were all doctors. You can well imagine what would the ordinary citizen know of this world. The situation has not changed much for the ordinary citizen, although westernised people at least know what the term means.

(4) Heterosexuality and Reproduction inversely proportional: Unlike men in the non-Western world, who are neither heterosexual nor homosexual, just men, and are often open to both sex-partners, and where due to social duty concept, almost every man, with whatever sexual preferences, produces children, Western heterosexuals are reproducing less and less, and that further puts a question mark on the claimed relationship between Heterosexuality and Reproduction.

We don't need heterosexuality or heterosexuals to breed or carry on our genes.


The True definition of Heterosexuality

Keeping in mind so many lacunaes and loopholes in the formal definition of the term Heterosexuality, it would be worthwhile to redefine the term based on what it actually represents.

If we carefully analyse the characteristics of a Western Heterosexual male and that of men in the rest of the world (including men in pre-modern West), we will notice that Heterosexuality encompasses the following things:

  • The need for an emotional and social bonding with women, plus,

  • Promoting sex with women for casual pleasure.

  • Liberating sex between man and woman from the regulations put on them under the marriage instititution, but without giving up the powers and additional benefits granted to male-female sex by the institution of marriage.

  • Delinking sex between man and woman from reproduction through the use of unnatural means, i.e., technology (like condoms and vasectomy).

  • Creating hostile conditions in the mainstream male space for man to man intimacy -- whether sexual, social or emotional.

  • Making men incapable of bonding with other men.

Thus, heterosexuality, in short may be defined as a sexual preference where the man has a constant need to bond emotionally, sexually and socially with women, as well as to treat sex with women for pleasure, without the burden of reproduction. It also encompasses a 'sexual repulsion' towards man to man intimacy.

It is not difficult to see that with this definition it is clear that Heterosexuality is an unnatural state of being. We have already shown how mammalian males have no need to bond with females, and certainly not at such a universal level. And, we have observed it during our work that even amongst men who are sufficiently heterosexualised and are able to bond with women, they too have a strong need for sexually liasioning with men. There is hardly any man who does not have a sexual need for men, even though the society may mutilate this need or force men to deny or hate it. And so the entire 'heterosexual' thing is a sham. An unnatural, artificial condition brought on by the Forces of Heterosexualisation.

And an unnatural condition cannot be brought about at such a large scale without a big chunk of the population paying the price for it -- which means that it entails oppression of men at an enormous scale.

Therefore, we can claim with a bang (as they say in Hindi)

There is no Heterosexuality in nature

not amongst mammals, in any case, except in a few transgendered (queer) males.




Also See:

- Sexual Orientation is an invalid concept

- Homosexuality is an invalid concept

- Case Studies on Heterosexuailty is Queer

- Experiences on Heterosexuality is Queer

- Photos on Heterosexuality is Queer

